
Civilisation is a futile race to discover remedies for the evils it produces.”

Jean-Jaques Rousseau – 1754

There really is something terribly wrong with the world, and particularly with its future. We all know it, although some – for the sake of their own self interest – are either in denial, or just ignore the reality, while others feel impotent to do anything meaningful in response. Collectively, we are destroying our home, and yet the current system that manages human affairs is neither willing nor fitting to address this impending catastrophe.

unius is here to explain why, despite all the data and indisputable evidence, humans continue to live their lives with no regard for the future welfare of the planet, and hence no concern for their survival.

Knowing what we ought to do is clearly not a solution, but knowing why we’re not doing what we ought, is where we need to start.

unius is not a campaigning organisation eager to rally people into action and demand that politicians, and people, do the ‘right’ thing. Nor is it a platform for debate – there are no opinions here. 

The reality is that we have all been fashioned into foot soldiers to serve the corporations’ sole objective – profit. The social injustices, the poverty and misery suffered by so many, the destruction of the environment on which life depends, and the reality of us facing our imminent extinction, are all just collateral damage to that end.

We are their puppets, because they understand us better than we do ourselves.

> Letter from the Future


The reason you killed yourselves and destroyed your home was because you perfected being primitive. You developed your weapons and technologies, but not yourselves, and so, despite their remarkable sophistication and efficacy, those tools simply continued to reflect your obsession with violence and greed as the preferred means of survival. Your arrogance allowed you to marvel at your machines, rather than investigate the potential of your remarkable brains.

You were diligent in your quest to understand everything about the universe, this planet, and all that shared it with you, alas, not as an opportunity to relinquish the belief that your dominance equated to being special, but rather to ruthlessly exploit everything, including your own kind.

You simply weren’t prepared to accept that you can also be explained. Despite your considerable knowledge, you persisted with the belief that you were 'created' by an imaginary entity who endowed you with a soul, one that transcended the biological mechanics that defined all other life.

You kept hold of the irrational notion that you were autonomous individuals in an otherwise deterministic universe, and so your preoccupation with identity and self interest denied you the freedom to experience and appreciate life beyond the obscene indulgence that such fabrications necessitate. As a consequence of these delusions, and an inappropriate sense of entitlement, your legacy was a tragic litany of war, divisions, cruelty, destruction, and abuse.

You were given the means to be brilliant, possibly the zenith of nature’s achievements, yet in your short stay upon this unique planet - which took billions of years to evolve - your continued ignore-ance of it's significance to your own future, and to life itself, saw that moment come to an abrupt and brutal end.

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