
I wanna be like you

Aspiring to be like men, just means there are more men!

When it comes to feminism, it’s the extremists – those on the extreme of the curve who display male attitudes – who want ‘equality’ with (extreme) men; to play men’s war games, while suggesting they represent the rights of all women. If we want equality, we need to dismantle patriarchy, not fuel it by joining in. Feminists don’t represent women, they actively support the male hierarchical system, because they’ve jumped ship. It’s not a movement to liberate the suppressed, merely self-interest for those egotistic and privileged enough to engage in the destructive pursuits which define the misguided preoccupations of men, in the hope to benefit from the spoils.

Feminists are an injustice to the value of the feminine, as misogynists are to masculinity, with their obsession for status, greed, and control.

The idea of a battle of the sexes is naive at best. There are differences, but they should compliment, not contradict, and they should be celebrated, not undermined. The character of society is still dominated by patriarchy, and women (and men) need the imagination to create a new system, one that reflects our natural expression of nurturing, community, and care. Aggression, self interest, and competition, are inappropriate attitudes for the welfare of the community, be it local or global.

There is no equality within men. Most are pawns, exploited and impoverished, victims of a hierarchical structure that is an accepted norm; an attitude that trickles down and is then enacted within every echelon and institution. Those higher up are allowed to abuse those lower down. Feminists who think there’s liberty and success in becoming players in that system of abuse, are literally compounding the problem of inequality. It’s as contradictory as fighting for peace.

In essence, feminists are compounding the inequity within society by assuming male traits.

We’ve been made so stupid that we think success is being a billionaire, a CEO, a world champion boxer, or an actor who presents gratuitous violence and torture as light entertainment. And women want a piece of the action.

Corporations and companies make money by exploiting people and the natural world to produce stuff which requires production, distribution, consumption, along with the resulting pollution and destruction. The wealth of those at the top just exacerbates the disparity between the rich and the poor, and as we perpetuate this obsession with striving to be obscenely wealthy as the only objective of life, we’re just hastening it’s end.

It's not that we haven't evolved from the bloodlust of the Gladiatorial arena, it's just the we haven't been allowed to. The system needs us to stay primitive so we don't have the intellectual capacity to see it for what it is. Sport and competition is the simplest form of entertainment to keep our eyes off the ball, that's why they put such an emphasis on it.

Without the greedy and violent legacy of men, one wonders whether women would independently think it’s a good idea for them to punch each other in the face in the hope of becoming a world champion boxer. Would they sit down together and devise a system that allowed one person to have the equivalent resources of millions of others put together, oblivious of the shameful injustices and suffering it causes? Would they engage in acts of realistic brutality and murder, and see it as suitable entertainment and education for their children? And, above all, given the choice, would they agree that the best system is one based on the simple premise; get whatever you can out of life regardless of the consequences or collateral damage to anyone else, the planet, or to the future of life itself?

Chick Fight – this 2020 movie, described as a ‘comedy’, in which women seriously punch each other up, with plenty of blood, swearing, bruising, knock outs, and other realistic injury detail, all because – so we’re told – it’s therapeutic for those who engage in the sport, and helps develop the courage for them to make better life choices. This supposedly female empowering film, rated suitable for 15 year olds, with drug use and plenty of extreme violence, promotes the idea that if women behaved like men, they would be able to mange their lives more effectively. Screenplay was by a man, and the film was directed by a man!

Men have wreaked havoc on this world for thousands of years, and caused untold misery to billions. Are women absolutely convinced that being like them is a win? Surely we can do better, and we really need to, as a matter of urgency.

The richest 1% of the world’s population own over 50% of the world’s wealth, and that figure is increasing, year on year. Just because the system we have permits that kind of obscenity, those who take advantage of it not only think it’s acceptable, but that they’re deserving of such extreme excess, and moreover, should be commended for it. Again, without blindly accepting the system we have inherited, would (decent) women, given the opportunity to establish a system that was best suited to managing the community, agree that this kind of capitalist model – one that not only celebrates inequity, but is destroying life – is the best one to go for? It is utterly absurd for anyone to argue that capitalism is either moral or appropriate, let alone sustainable.

Nov 2022