unius offers an opportunity for us all to explore truths that have been kept hidden from us by the system that has prevailed since the dawn of civilisation. This system is guilty of denying us the potential to enjoy life as the intelligent and caring people we ought to be, a life that would also sustain that possibility indefinitely. As we are aware, how we currently live is hastening our demise at an alarming rate, and that is just an unfortunate consequence of the system’s agenda, not our innate human nature. Yet that system, which is responsible for our fate, is so single-minded that even when the evidence that we’re heading straight over a cliff is irrefutable, it just carries on regardless. It keeps the true nature of its agenda and the truth about us under lock and key, but it’s time we know how we arrived at this point.

We all have our own world view, one based on our life experiences, our personal preferences and prejudices, and our limited knowledge and beliefs, from which we form our opinions and judgments. But since it’s acceptable to value our own point of view, it’s unavoidable that this creates argument and division.
We have words like ‘respect’ and ‘tolerance’, which further support people’s ‘right’ to have their own opinions, which just undermines any prospect of ever establishing a common understanding. This naive celebration of the diversity of opinions is why we will not find realistic solutions to the climate crisis, since we all refer to ourselves when considering what we could (or should) do. It is a futile exercise trying to manage and respond to such a broad set of individual opinions and beliefs, in fact, it’s impossible, and only serves as a distraction where the best possible outcome is an ineffective compromise.
Arguing between ourselves, whilst trying to compensate for our differences, and giving credibility to irrational beliefs and supporting individualism, not only misses the point, but is fundamentally unproductive. Until we relinquish our own sense of individual entitlement, collectively, we will never fix the problems because it’s that very attitude which fuels them.
The only way to find real meaningful solutions is to put personal and group perspectives and concerns to one side, and let the sum of all our knowledge, and the mass of information we have, be the substance from which answers are found.
Only when we take self-interest out of the equation will we find consensus. It is one world facing one future – we need solutions that make sense, that have substance, and can be understood by everyone, for the sake of everyone.
The ideas presented here are the product of robust research and evidence which is available to all. This is not an opportunity for critics to comment and judge with their own subjectivity, since it is clear that these ideas don’t reflect the mainstream perspective. And that is exactly the point, because current beliefs are not doing us any favours. The provocative understanding about free-will, the self, choice, politics, and consciousness, (along with other prescient concerns), which are at odds with what we have otherwise been taught, is why it is now necessary to consider this as a real alternative foundation on which to build our future.
The objective is to offer meaningful substance to the otherwise futile conversations in which we currently engage, and by drawing on the full repertoire of our combined knowledge, allow us to reconsider how we view ourselves in the light of that knowledge. And yes, it is difficult to have deeply entrenched beliefs challenged by reason, but holding onto them means that things will remain as they are, and in this case, it will simply accelerate our extinction.
Critics, who are looking to demonstrate their skill set by finding fault or inconsistencies within the information, are just demonstrating the very issue of having an ego to feed. Intellectual war games are inappropriate, this is just not the time. Being selective, taking things out of context, and mis-quoting, are just childish attempts to try to discredit the integrity of information which contradicts strongly held beliefs.
We disagree because we value our opinions over knowledge. Having an opinion is just a statement of limited understanding.
Oct 2022
the unius logo
The unius logo is the synthesis of two basic elements; the astronomical symbol for Earth (an encircled cross), and a simple representation of the human eye – in this case witnessing the darkest moment of our history, (not dissimilar to the light/eye that Picasso used in his painting ‘Guernica‘, illuminating the horror of the blitzkrieg, and marking the dawn of the indiscriminate destruction that defines modern warfare). However, in this case, when put together, they form a simple figure, one which is embracing the world with care and respect.

Any similarities to other logos is completely unintentional.
The colours – green, purple, and orange – are all secondary, one step removed from the primary colours. It is akin to us moving away from our primary (primitive) instincts, and benefitting from the more reasoned and nuanced potential of our higher brain function.

Guernica – Picasso, 1937
As this is an article based presentation – dip in/dip out – with only an implied reading order, it is unavoidable that certain ideas in some articles are reiterated in others, particularly references to the need for us to develop our higher order brain functions, which our current system has suppressed, and is the reason why we are facing our immanent self-penned extinction.